November 14, 2022

Ha, ha! Kevin McCarthy wants so much to be speaker. He tried in 2015 and failed, kneecapped by the same Freedom Caucus extremists that are coming for him now. (I told you it would be fun to watch!) Via Politico:

Conservatives want Tuesday’s scheduled leadership elections postponed until control of the House is certain. If McCarthy doesn’t agree, they plan to nominate Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) as an internal pick for speaker to demonstrate that the Californian doesn’t have the 218 GOP votes he needs when the full chamber votes on Jan. 3, according to a Republican with knowledge of the plan who spoke candidly on condition of anonymity.

Depending on how that first step plays out, more conservatives would then embrace an alternative pick to put forward as a consensus candidate, added this Republican — who said some signs are pointing to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) as the Freedom Caucus’ consensus choice. CNN first reported the prospect that Biggs would be a symbolic alternative in step one of the plan.

Jim Jordan? Because nothing will give sane voters the confidence to support Republicans in 2024 like Jim Jordan as the House speaker, amirite? Unless it's giving Marge Greene a more prominent role.

And speaking of Marge -- more than a few of the people involved in this particular plot are part of the group that asked Trump for pardons.

No, we don't have all the final votes yet, but it's pretty clear that Republicans have control of the House by a measly couple of seats -- despite the dozens they predicted. It will make it very difficult for their leadership to accomplish anything, so expect lots of noise and smoke instead.

Oh, and expect to see some Republican members make deals with the Dems to pass Democratic legislation -- especially since voters made it clear they don't want more MAGA-style extremism.

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