Of course, not for the same reason as most of the sane people in America. Here's how the hacks on Fox's Outnumbered dealt with the breaking news that Kenneth Chesebro just flipped on Trump.
October 21, 2023

Of course, not for the same reason as most of the sane people in America. Here's how the hacks on Fox's Outnumbered dealt with the breaking news that Kenneth Chesebro just flipped on Trump.

Rather than show what was going on inside of the courtroom as other networks did, Fox showed a picture of the charges being read without allowing their audience to actually hear Trump's name being repeated over and over again as Chesebro accepted his plea deal. Instead, they had one of their field reporters come on and give a very brief and incomplete description of what was going on, followed by this nonsense.

All of the talking heads were forced to admit that there were probably more plea deals to come, but look at the framing where they're all still trying to paint Trump as the victim of some over zealous DA, and Cheryl Casone admitting she's talking with members of Trump's legal team:

MCENANY: You know Molly it was always a question because there are many defendants, more than a dozen, I lose track. I think it's eighteen and these two broke off first.. Chesebro, Sidney Powell chose to go first. Then these plea deals came as a surprise to many, the first yesterday and second today.

LINE: Yeah, willingly, seemingly heading for trial and quickly making these deals. And of course, the question is what is the information they have? How will it potentially be shared in trials that will come down the road? And the other question is, you mentioned also, of those defendants, how many will also make plea deals? How many of them will also be testifying against the others that do not make plea deals?

So that's what we're looking at. We're looking at a new map, and these two quick plea deals lead us to wonder if there will be more, and what this ultimately means. Could it potentially mean that the former president is essentially the last man standing heading for a trial at some point? And how many people that were part of the broader group that have been sent forward with all these legal challenges and charges, what comes ultimately comes together I guess is the big question.

MCENANY: Cheryl, I imagine if you're one of the other defendants, you're looking at this, and you're saying is some something I should consider. Should I ask to move my date? Should I take a plea deal myself?

CASONE: Well Sidney Powell, there are six charges she has now plead to in her deal, but part of the deal is, is that she has to actually testify. And so, it's in writing now she that will be – basically she's turned, to put it simply, she's turned and she'll be turning on the former president. She'll be turning on the others. She saved herself. Let's just call it what it is.

But I think the Georgia case in particular, and I was talking to someone now that's actually been working on the legal side of this for the former president, that the biggest concern right now is Fani Willis and Georgia. On their side, the legal side, because, in the state case with Fani Willis, I mean, she's just, it's a state case, and she's throwing everything into the kitchen sink to see what she's getting. She's now getting deals. And again, Chesebro is the second and I think there will be more, absolutely, because of the way that she is handling the lawyers for the others, and there's 19 total defendants... so.

Which was followed by the most disgusting portion of the segment, where first McEnany tried to paint all of this as somehow bad politically for... someone... who knows, to be talking about Trump's criminality, and then their "one lucky guy" Joey Jones trying to whitewash what happened on January 6th, and telling the audience he wishes he could erase the entire month... not because there was an attempted coup and insurrection. No, not because of that. He wishes he could erase the month because Democrats are going to use this against Trump and Republicans, and because there are trials going on.

MCENANY: And, you know, Joey, when you look at this, you know, speaking from a political standpoint, every time you're talking about this, the Georgia case, the cases down the pike, you're not talking about Israel, you're not talking about the issues. You're not talking about the things that you want voters to be talking about as we head into the election.

JONES: No, absolutely. You know, here's the deal. If I could go back and erase one month out of history it would probably be January 2021, because so much has come from that that's destructive to this country. And that's not an indictment on any one person or party. It's just where we are today.

Looking at these cases against president Trump and his team, where he believes he lost the election. Where others have said that the election was stolen. Where Democrats are going to use this to run from now to kingdom come. It's just not in my opinion good for our country. And I wish we were really talking about who is the president that can save our country.

MCENANY: No doubt about it. As we are staring down a war in the Middle East, that is the question.

Pathetic. Sorry Joey, but it is an "indictment" on one one party and one person, along with his enablers, and your network, for that matter. And a lot of us are talking about who the president is that "can save our country" from Trump. His name is Joe Biden.

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