Aw The Mike Pence 'Campaign' Is Broke
Credit: @bluegal (Composite)
October 17, 2023

The 2024 Goat Rodeo campaign of Mike Pence, a man so wooden that termites salivate when he enters a room, is running out of money:

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s 2024 campaign faces a potentially existential cash squeeze, with debt already piling up.

The campaign told NBC News it will report having raised $3.3 million in the third quarter, with $1.2 million cash on hand and $620,000 in debt, when its campaign finance filing is due to be made public Sunday. Pence himself chipped in $150,000 from his personal funds, the campaign said.

Pence’s numbers reveal a campaign under serious strain, operating on completely different financial terrain from that of his rivals, and they raise questions about his ability to continue to compete in the GOP primaries. Racking up debt, in particular, has long been a sign of presidential campaigns in trouble — and potentially on the verge of ending.

For some reason —oh say, like maybe a distinct lack of Republican voters who do NOT want to hang him — the donors are not supporting him.

Pence’s campaign did not reveal the number of donors it has accrued, and it has not commented on where he stands with regard to the third debate criteria. But the low dollar amount indicates Pence may face another serious climb to be able to participate. He has hit the polling threshold, but he’s lagging in fifth place in the FiveThirtyEight average of national polls, and further back in the Iowa polling average.

I know Mike Pence a man of faith, and maybe that sustains him in trying times, but Moses parting the sea will be like a cheap trick compared to the miracle Pence would need to peel of Hair Füror’s MAGA base. You, me, and Dupree will be the Republican nominee before Pence is.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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