Wisconsin GQP Run Amok With Impeachment Fever
Credit: @SpeakerVos on Twitter
September 23, 2023

Last week, Wisconsin Republicans in the state senate had a meaningless vote to fire Meagan Wolfe solely because, for them, she has become the face for the reality that TFG lost Wisconsin in 2020.

This week, Wisconsin Republicans in the state assembly, who already want to impeach Justice Janet Protasiewicz, decided to have a twofer special, and impeach Wolfe as well:

Five Republican members of the state Assembly have released articles of impeachment against Wisconsin Elections Commission administrator Meagan Wolfe, the latest move by the GOP-controlled state Legislature to oust the nonpartisan elections chief from her job ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

The lawmakers on Thursday put forward 15 articles of impeachment within a 23-page resolution. Many of the articles contain accusations that have been debunked or are based on decisions made by the bipartisan panel of commissioners who oversee Wolfe.

The articles of impeachment can be read here, if you need a good laugh.

As the gentle reader might have already guessed, the five GQP members who are spearheading this impeachment fantasy are not the best of the best.

One of the wannabe impeachers is Representative Janel Brandtjen. Brandtjen's claim to fame is consulting with top Big Lie experts such as the Cyber Ninja Middle Aged Turtles and Pillow Man. In fact, she finally got to be so obnoxious with pushing The Big Lie, and because she decided to take on Speaker Robin Vos, that she got banished from the Republican Caucus. Just think about that for a minute. How bad do you have to be that even your fellow fascists don't want anything to do with you?

Another Republican pushing the impeachment is Representative Chuck Wichgers, who apparently thinks that Wolfe must be one of those demons he's fighting every day.

As for Vos, he supported the Senate's futile effort to fire Wolfe, saying that it would be "more problematic" for her to remain in her job than. However, like all bullies, Vos gets easily squeamish when he's the one that has to do the dirty work himself.

Vos' enthusiasm for impeachment might also be dampened when Wolfe made it clear she won't go down without a fight:

In a statement, Wolfe said the claims made in the impeachment articles "have been thoroughly examined through numerous audits, investigations, and lawsuits, and they have shown that Wisconsin's elections are run with integrity."

"No matter how many times some politicians misrepresent my actions and how this agency works, it does not make what they're saying true. Contrary to what's said in this resolution, every major decision relating to the 2020 presidential election was made by the agency's six bipartisan Commissioners in public meetings," Wolfe said.

"It's irresponsible for this group of politicians to willfully distort the truth when they've been provided the facts for years. These attempts, while unlikely to succeed, only serve as a distraction from the hard work election officials need to be doing to prepare for the next presidential election,” Wolfe said.

It's too soon to tell if Vos and the rest of the GQP are desperate enough to go along with this bit of rat fornicating yet. But if they do, you know that Wolfe will have an army behind her, although I don't think she would need it. She's handling them pretty well by herself so far.

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