August 2, 2023

Imagine thinking that grabbing voting machines to manipulate election results was something you could do and get away with. The charges are serious enough that the pair are looking at 5 years each. "The false pretenses charge is a felony that could bring a prison term of up to five years and a fine of up to $10,000. The undue possession of a voting machine is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $1,000."

Source: Detroit News

Republican former attorney general candidate Matt DePerno and GOP ex-state Rep. Daire Rendon are facing criminal charges for their alleged roles in an effort to access Michigan voting machines after the 2020 presidential election.

Special prosecutor D.J. Hilson confirmed the charges Tuesday afternoon, saying his investigation into the handling of tabulators in Michigan was "ongoing and not over," which could mean other individuals will be charged.

"The charging decision was the result of a thorough decision-making process by an independent citizens grand jury," Hilson said in a statement. "This citizens grand jury carefully listened to the sworn testimony and analyzed the evidence as required by law and returned a decision to indict each of the defendants."

DePerno and Rendon, two of the most vocal proponents in Michigan of false and unproven election fraud claims, were arraigned on Tuesday before Oakland County Circuit Court Chief Judge Jeffery Matis.

Apparently, things have not gone according to plan for DePerno.

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