January 17, 2022

Monday morning, Michigan's Attorney General Dana Nessel discussed the case against sixteen (!) Republican elected officials (!!) who forged election documents claiming to be legitimate electors for the 2020 election.

Their actions were brazen and unapologetic. They clearly thought they were a combination of John Hancock and Captain America - heroes of the Trump revolution.

They were lawbreakers.

A great unsung hero? The state capitol officer who prevented the fake electors from entering the state building. He calmly insisted that the verified electors (the ones who were voting for Joe Biden who WON MICHIGAN) had already been checked in and that otherwise the building was closed for the day.

Attorney General Nessel has not ruled out levying state charges against these frauds, but given that there appears to have been a coordinated effort in several states to overturn the electoral college vote, and that these documents have identical wording and even fonts, she is forwarding the case to federal prosecutors first.

Nessel's opponent in the upcoming AG election PROMISES not to prosecute the forgers. Really?

And this shows that Nessel hasn't lost her sense of humor.

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