Judge Aileen Cannon May Have Just Made A Fatal Error
Credit: Wikipedia
August 7, 2023

Judge Cannon is clearly on Team Trump. We knew it before, and her Monday morning shenanigans further confirm it. Here is what went down:

She came out swinging at the Special Counsel, striking down two of their filings.

(Read the order here).

She also DEMANDED an explanation of "the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate and/or to seek post-indictment hearings on matters pertinent to the instant indicted matter in this district." I guess she doesn't like the fact that the DOJ continues to investigate Trump, and she wants to know WHY they continue to attack him. Womp womp.

Additionally, she rejected the DOJ's bid to preserve grand jury secrecy through sealed filings. Law and Crime reports that the DOJ requested a hearing "to deal with 'potential conflicts of interests that may arise' from Nauta’s lawyer Stanley Woodward Jr.’s 'prior and current representation of three individuals the Government may call to testify at the trial of his client.'

Cannon also revealed in her order that the DOJ wanted to file a sealed “supplement” to “facilitate the Court’s inquiry.” Cannon did not want the filing sealed. As a result, Nauta's team must respond to the motion by August 17th.

Hopefully, Jack Smith has a New Jersey case ready to go, because this Florida one is clearly heavily weighted (no pun intended) towards Donald Trump.

Twitter reacted to the shenanigans:

I think Jack Smith has given her enough to rope to hang herself, and this is just settling it up for a request for recusal/change of venue. She is doing a great job helping make that case.

EDITOR'S NOTE (Frances Langum): In other Trump bad court thingy news, the judge in the E. Jean Carroll case flat out dismissed his counter-motion this morning. Womp womp.

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