August 1, 2023

Rep. Daniel Goldman, the only House Democrat who attended the House Oversight and Accountability Committee's closed-door meeting with former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer on Monday, has a different version of events than GOP Chairman James Comer does, so the Democrat came up with a solution: Release the full transcript of Archer's interview.

"I would urge Chairman Comer, rather than to continue to send out misinformation about what transpired in the transcribed interview, to actually put out the transcript, which he can do as soon as he wants," Goldman told CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"Because I think anyone who reads that transcript – and I was there, so I can tell you what happened – would come away from that believing that Joe Biden had nothing to do with Hunter Biden's business dealings, derived no benefit from it, received no money, and did not know about anything that Hunter Biden was doing, nor did he ever discuss it with Hunter Biden or the business associates," he added.

But Congressman, if they do that, they can't start an impeachment inquiry over something that didn't happen.

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