July 31, 2023

The heavily hyped testimony by Hunter Biden's former business partner Devon Archer with the House Oversight Committee on Capitol Hill doesn't appear to have turned up any evidence to link the President with his son's business dealings.

"And we're learning now after one Democratic member of the House Oversight Committee emerged from this three-hour meeting," CNN reports. "Now it's still going on."

"But he emerged and said, look, this testimony has offered no proof connecting the president to his son's foreign dealings," he continued.

"Congressman Dan Goldman, the Democrat on the committee, did say that, you know, Archer testified that Hunter and his son, Joe Biden, did speak every day, that at times Hunter Biden would be in a setting where there would be business partners present," he added. "But not once, according to Goldman, did these dealings ever come up."

CNN reports, "Archer's testimony comes as House Republicans appear to be shifting their focus away from trying to impeach members of President Joe Biden's Cabinet and prioritizing efforts to impeach the president himself by linking him to controversial business dealings by his son, Hunter."

The closed-door testimony was a dud, according to Rep. Daniel Goldman.

Goldman said Devon Archer testified when Hunter Biden put his father on the phone: "The witness was very consistent that none of those conversations had anything to do with any business dealings or transactions."

Well, maybe Republicans can consider impeaching Biden because inflation is cooling down.

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