That Is What Solidarity Is
Credit: Screencap
July 15, 2023

With contract negotiations at a standstill, the Teamsters union at UPS is poised to go on strike in August, which could disrupt the entire shipping business. The issue at hand is not the drivers, although they are ready to stop driving and start picketing. It's the lousy way that the company is treating its part-time workers, which makes up 55% of the company's workforce.

UPS driver Juan Trajillo received an ignorant comment on one of his videos and turned it into a teaching moment of what solidarity is:

Another way of phrasing it would be an injury to one is an injury to all.

But it works very effectively against the divide and conquer strategy that companies like UPS is trying to use, which is why these same companies spend billions of dollars each year trying to kill the unions. That is also why there has been a large growth in people joining unions and exercising their rights, from everywhere from UPS to Amazon to Starbucks.

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