July 9, 2023

Long Island fabulist and lifetime grifter George Santos was recently charged with fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and giving false statements. Still, the Republican Congressman said he feels oppressed just like civil rights icon Rosa Parks was.

"They come for me, I go right back for them because I think for far too long they've gotten away with getting along to get along," he said on Mike Crispi's podcast. "So no, it's not going to stay that way anymore. I'm gonna call them out. You want to call me a liar. I'll call you a sellout."

"I mean Mitt Romney, the man goes to the State of the Union of the United States wearing a Ukraine lapel pin tells me, a Latino gay man that I shouldn't sit in the front and that I should be in the back," he continued. "Well, guess what? Rosa Parks wouldn't sit in the back and neither am I going to sit in the back."

"That's just the reality of how it works. Mitt Romney lives in a very different world, and he needs to buckle up because it's gonna be a bumpy ride for him," he added.

Is anyone else wondering what the question was, too? He's all over the map. None of the charges have to do with him being a gay Latino. He's not being persecuted. He's being held accountable. And he seems to have lost the support of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. He's no longer useful to McCarthy. You're on your own, you lying grifter.

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