July 26, 2023

The Ron DeKlantis campaign fired an aide this week who created and shared a pro-DeSantis video that featured the candidate at the center of a Sonnenrad, an ancient symbol appropriated by the Nazis and still used by some white supremacists. Via Axios:

Nate Hochman, a speechwriter on the DeSantis campaign and a former writer for National Review, created the video on his own and shared it through a pro-DeSantis Twitter account, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Hochman then retweeted the video, but it was deleted shortly afterward. "Nate Hochman is no longer with the campaign. And we will not be commenting on him further," a DeSantis campaign official told Axios.

[...] The video hyped up DeSantis to the tune of Kate Bush's "Running up that Hill (A Deal with God)," and ended with an image of DeSantis in the center of Florida's state seal — which then morphs into a rotating Sonnenrad.

So it seems the same guy might also responsible for Ron's riveting "woke woke woke" speeches!

And of course it was.

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