December 27, 2023

Hey Ron DeSantis, you know it's bad when Fox News's Charlie Hurt calls your campaign the biggest disappointment.

CHARLIE HURT, FOX NEWS: ...It's truly amazing, especially when you look at the record he's established in Florida. But he has run a terrible campaign. And the more you look under the hood and you look at the mechanics of the way they have spent money, the way they've raised money, the way they've operated, it is the most disappointing campaign, mechanics-wise, that I think I've ever seen.

The one thing no one in the Fox News empire will admit is that Ron DeSantis is entirely a creation of Fox itself. DeSantis won in Florida because he was constantly, CONSTANTLY, on Fox. This video from 2018 covers the $3.9 million dollars in free publicity Ron got by constantly appearing on Fox and getting anointed as the Florida frontrunner by Fox hosts.

And when the New York Times publishes "What Went Wrong for Ron DeSantis in 2023" on Christmas Eve? He's dead, Jim.

For a candidate who talks at length about his own disinterest in “managing America’s decline,” people around Mr. DeSantis are increasingly talking about managing his.

Ryan Tyson, Mr. DeSantis’s longtime pollster and one of his closest advisers, has privately said to multiple people that they are now at the point in the campaign where they need to “make the patient comfortable,” a phrase evoking hospice care.


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