July 13, 2023

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg praised the Infrastructure bill on MSNBC, needling Republicans who voted against and derided it as socialism who now are taking credit for it to their constituents.

"The sign of a good policy is even the people who fought it and stood in the way at the time come to support it," he said. "Maybe even go so far as to acknowledge that they were wrong when they said the infrastructure bill was a bad idea."

Then Pete dropped the hammer.

"They were wrong to call it socialism evidenced by the fact -- or at least wrong to denounce it as socialism and wasteful spending," Buttigieg said. "If it is socialism then it seems to be socialism that Republicans love when it's coming their way.

Case closed.

Republicans like Rep. Rob Wittman, Rep. Gary Palmer, Rep. Kay Granger, Rep. Ashley Hinson, Rep. Steve Scalise and many others made sure to tell the district how much they love the infrastructure support they received.

A constant refrain from Republicans: Socialism for me not for thee.

What cretins.

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