May 23, 2024

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Wednesday called out controversial Beetlejuice Lady Lauren Boebert for grabbing credit for something she voted against in 2021. Republicans keep doing this. It's as if they have no shame.

BoBo boasted about securing "over $51.4 million for the South Bridge," but that money came from the Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program, which the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act established. Imagine that.

In a photo she posted of herself standing with Glenwood Springs City Councilor and former Mayor Jonathan Godes, she praised the nearly $30 million in "cost savings in addition and that my support has helped make this project a reality." And she got a community note attached to her lie on Xitter.

Ooof. Cue Pete Buttigieg, who asked her in the nicest possible way where the fuck she thought that money came from.

"Congresswoman, in what way do you believe that your support helped this project?" he asked. "We chose it because it's a good project and funded it using President Biden's infrastructure package, which you voted against."

The people screaming about fake news for years are the ones living in a bubble created by fake news. Voting against the Infrastructure project is voting against America.

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