Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon angrily shouted about House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Tuesday, complaining that McCarthy put a "shiv" in Trump.
June 27, 2023

Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon angrily shouted about House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Tuesday for his alleged disloyalty to former President Donald Trump.

Bannon appeared irate on his War Room program after McCarthy suggested he preferred Trump's policies over his communication style.

"His policies are terrific; the implication is he's not. Screw you!" Bannon shouted. "I'm going on a jihad!"

The host explained that he was angry because McCarthy cut a deal with President Joe Biden to raise the nation's debt ceiling.

"He gave two years unlimited [spending], no time duration, and no cap, and he did it on purpose," Bannon lamented before suggesting McCarthy's gambit prevented "tax increases for the wealthy."

Bannon said Trump had made a "mistake" by supporting McCarthy's bid for Speaker in January.

"He wasn't on the right side of the football in the first week in January, but, hey, you know stuff happens. That was a mistake," he concluded. "[McCarthy] is putting the shiv in every frickin' second of every day."

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