January 10, 2023

Fascism-spreading podcaster Steve Bannon on Monday told radio host John Fredericks that although he disagreed with former President Donald Trump's endorsement of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, he was pleased about one of the concessions he had to make with the hard-right Freedom Caucus.

"I totally and completely disagree," he said.

"On the McCarthy thing, I think we're still in the top of the second, maybe top of the third inning on this," he continued. "It's going to be early, and with the motion to vacate, that's a loaded shotgun right to his head."

"We took out [John Boehner] — Breitbart and [Mark Meadows] took out Boehner in '15," he added. "Mark Meadows was the Matt Gaetz of that time."


The 118th Congress is going to be insane. One of the key concessions made by McCarthy was to restore the ability of a single member to call for a no-confidence vote of the speaker. With never-Kevin hard-right Reps like Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert, I don't see McCarthy lasting more than a year in that position.

As for Bannon, I don't see how he has time to do podcasts since he's been busy meddling in Brazil's politics. He should be in prison, but the Drain the Swamp fabulist, Donald Trump, pardoned him after he ripped off the one-term President's supporters.

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