June 14, 2023

Channeling QAnon crazies, newly elected Senator JD Vance told Steve Bannon Trump is the "people's elected president" and should be allowed to control all top-secret documents in his possession to thwart the "deep state."

Mind you, this is a sitting US Senator.

What if those documents are about the deep state trying to force a war on the elected president?

What if they're about the Russia collusion hoax?

They document the way in which the Russia collusion hoax went to war against the people's elected president.

There are a lot of reasons why we want those documents to be controlled by the people's elected president, and Merrick Garland is going to war with that principle.

There are no reasons for any former president to control classified documents and our laws have established that for decades.

We do know that a war plan to attack Iran was part of the documents Trump hoarded.

The newly-elected MAGA Senator already released a statement saying he will hold up all DOJ nominations as punishment for indicting Trump.

Vance then took a similar argument to ABC 6.

“Is it the people’s elected President or is it the permanent unelected bureaucracy in Washington, DC?"

Trump is not the "people's elected president," since he got trashed in the 2020 election and lost by almost eight million votes. That's QAnon BS to the max.

Once out of office, all presidents lose the ability to classify, declassify or retain classified documents. Every document becomes the property of we, the people.

The excuses MAGA creeps are coming up with each day are turning more bizarre by the hour.

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