May 27, 2023

A Russian woman in Auburn, Washington (between Seattle and Tacoma) thought that taunting her Ukrainian neighbors was a good idea after Russians claimed to have taken the city of Bakhmut in Ukraine. The message on her garage door (“Bakhmut is ours, thank you Wagner!” with the Russian swastika, Z symbol) was quickly painted over, her car painted with yellow and blue paint and her tires made flat.

Fuck around. Find out.

Source: Daily Star

A Russian woman has daubed a message on her garage door in a bid to taunt her Ukrainian neighbours in the United States.

A group of people gather to record and remonstrate with the woman as she pulls the tape off the door, emblazoned with the message “Bakhmut is ours, thank you Wagner!”

According to Visegrad 24, a news channel, the Ukrainians tell respond “How can you write that after so many children were killed?”

Commenters on the Twitter video wrote that the woman taunts the bystanders, saying that by US law they cannot enter her property.

The property appears to be in Auburn, a city in King County, Washington.


...and after.

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