Yulia Prokhorova's "career" as a social media influencer who specialized in insulting Ukraine has now finally been deported from Germany. She was living there illegally.
November 21, 2022

We've done a couple of posts (here and here) on this horrible Russian woman who built an entire social media presence (mostly TikTok and Telegram) on insulting Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees while she lived in Germany. Turns out though that Yulia Prokhorova has been living in Germany illegally, and after a search of her apartment was taken into custody. She's now finally been deported back to Mother Russia where hopefully she'll live out the rest of her sorry existence.

“Girls! Glory to Russia! Russia will win, Russia will win! Whose Kherson? Yeah, haha, Ukraine! The referendum is already underway! Fuck your Ukraine,” shouted Prokhorova as she harassed Ukrainian women in Germany. Well, Kherson is now back in Ukrainian hands and she has a one-way ticket back to Moscow. Perhaps she'll go back to her former trade as a sex worker.

Source: The Insider

Russian woman Yulia Prokhorova, who became famous for recording her provocations against Ukrainian refugees on video, was deported from Germany today. This was reported from the airport in Berlin by The Insider correspondent.

Prokhorova regularly recorded and published videos with her provocations: either she turned on Russian music loudly and danced “Kalinka” on May 9 in Munich during a pro-Ukrainian rally, or she ran after Ukrainian girls, chanting “Russia will win” and shouting: “Girls! Glory to Russia! Russia will win, Russia will win! Whose Kherson? Yeah, haha, Ukraine! The referendum is already underway! Fuck your Ukraine.”
On November 14, Bild reported that the police searched her rented apartment in Landshut (Lower Bavaria). During the search, police seized three smartphones and a laptop. It turned out that Prokhorova was in Germany illegally. Prokhorova stopped communicating after the searches conducted at her house on October 14. According to media reports, the Russian woman was in custody.

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