May 7, 2023

On Saturday, eight people were killed in a shooting at an outlet mall near Dallas, and seven victims are being treated at the hospital, so obviously, Republicans will spring into action by offering nothing of substance.

Rep. Pat Fallon responded on Fox News to the tragic event by saying nothing will change.

"One thing I'm gonna do, I'm gonna make it a point, when they reopen the premium outlets in Allen, I'm gonna go back because we can't let evil win," he said. "We have to go on and live our lives, and we have to live them smartly, but also courageously, and respect law enforcement."

"And unfortunately, as Tom Holman said, tomorrow, Monday, somebody's gonna make this political, and they're gonna try to take away our constitutional rights, and that's not the way to go here because we are safer as Americans with more firearms in law-abiding citizens' hands," he added. "These are separate issues."

We are not "safer." Mass shootings have escalated. A 5-year-old child was one of the victims.

He said the same thing on Twitter.

I'll just leave this here:

This is the only country where mass shootings are commonplace. The only one.

H/T: @Acyn

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