U.S. Republican Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas used a hearing about toxic workplace culture to attack football star Tom Brady.
Texas GOP Rep Hammers Tom Brady In Workplace Violence Hearing
Credit: Twitter screen shot
June 24, 2022

U.S. Republican Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas used a hearing about toxic workplace culture to attack football star Tom Brady.

During a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on Wednesday, Fallon lashed out at NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

"Last week marked the anniversary of the scandal that led to Watergate, which led to felony convictions and the first resignation of a United States president," he said. "And a scant seven and a half years ago, another scandal rocked our nation threatening the very core and foundation of our republic, that being, of course, deflategate."

The congressman recalled the scandal "where in an AFC championship game, the NFL footballs, the pigskins, the rock, the pill, the hand egg, the melon and the leather was mysteriously underinflated by two PSI."

Fallon noted that the league eventually suspended Brady, referring to him by the nicknames "the GOAT, the California Cool, Real Slim Brady, the Master of the Tuck, the Lord of the Rings, Tom Terrific."

"Mr. Commissioner, I'm sure you're aware that many in New England worship Mr. Thomas Patrick Brady as a demigod of sorts," he continued. "My point here, sir, is this country simply can't afford another scandal, particularly a preventable one."

Fallon called on Goodell to change the NFL rules to "guarantee the consistency of the pressure of footballs."

The rant shocked sports reporter Ari Meirov.

"This hearing is off the rails," he wrote on Twitter.

One video of Fallon had nearly 40,000 views just hours after his remarks.

Watch the video below.

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