April 17, 2023

This is legal -- but like Marge herself, maybe a little excessive? Via Raw Story:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) spent more than $65,000 on fencing for her home this year using campaign funds, according to an analysis of Federal Election Commission records.

The line-item from Greene's schedule B itemized disbursements list for her campaign shows she spent $65,257.49 on "additional security fence for residence" in March of this year. The funds appear to have gone to Bartow Fence Company Inc., which is based in Georgia.

The campaign expenditure is legal due to FEC rules allowing candidates greater ability to spend campaign cash on personal protection, but spending more than $65,000 on her home fence stands out in a district where $54,634 was the median household income for a whole year in 2020.

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