Kari Lake At The Top Of Trump's VP List
Credit: Getty Images
March 7, 2023

According to Mike Allen at Axios, Kari Lake is probably the leading contender to be his VP should he win the Republican nomination again. Other names thrown around are all women too: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kristi Noem, and Nikki Haley.

And no the pictures below are not photoshopped.

Source: Axios

Former President Trump is strongly considering picking a female running mate — and sees Kari Lake as a model for his vice-presidential pick, according to people who discussed the topic with him.

Trump is already gaming out the general election in November 2024 — and knows he has a massive weakness with the white suburban women he would need to beat President Biden.

Lake, a former TV anchor who lost her race for Arizona governor in November, meets Trump's most important qualification for a No. 2:

She has shown she's willing to defend him vociferously, no matter the issue or controversy.

But Trump friends say Lake carries a big downside: He wants no risk that his running mate could outshine him. Lake would be assumed to be angling for president from the day she entered the White House. She made a political trip to Iowa last month.

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