February 16, 2023

Sarah Palin just lost a congressional race in Alaska because voters there are sick of her act. Nevertheless, she told Newsmax that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis should not run against Trump in the 2024 Republican primaries, because she's such an expert.

After a lengthy segment on balloons, balloons, balloons, host Eric Bolling brought up the upcoming Republican primaries and asked about the Florida governor.

Palin spent several minutes heaping mounds of glory onto traitor Trump's back, and then advised the Florida governor to stand down this time around.

The failed vice presidential nominee, failed congressional candidate and failed half-governor is offering up free political advice.


"DeSantis doesn't need to," Palin said.

The woman who quit her governorship half way through her term said she envisions DeSantis to be president sometime in the future.

"I think he's our best governor and he should stay governor for a bit longer --he's young, he has decades ahead of him," Palin said.

In a nutshell, Trump's time is running out.

Rabid Trump supporters are coming out of the woodwork trying keep DeSantis out of the Republican primaries for the 2024 nomination.

If I know anything about politics it is this: The right time to run for office is when it presents itself and not based on some future window that might be years away.

If DeSantis back downs now, a lot can happen in the next four to eight years and he may never be in this position again.

But sure, take Palin's sound advice. That surely will end well.

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