And really, we can't wait for the Bad Lip Reading version of this video. In the meantime, suffer through the personal story and effervescent belief in America of Nikki Haley.
Timing is everything in politics. And here's Nikki Haley, the day after yet another mass shooting in the US, listing -- no seriously, LISTING -- specific international atrocities as an excuse for being proud to be an American. Really.
In China, they commit genocide.
In Iran, they murder their own people
for challenging the government.
And when a woman tells you about watching
soldiers throw her baby into a fire?
It puts things in perspective.
Even on our worst day,
we are blessed to live in America.
Stuart Stevens in The New York Times says it well: "Nikki Haley Threw It All Away."
As a former Republican political operative who worked in South Carolina presidential primaries, I look at Ms. Haley now, as she prepares to launch her own presidential campaign, with sadness tinged with regret for what could have been. But I’m not a bit surprised. Her rise and fall only highlights what many of us already knew: Mr. Trump didn’t change the Republican Party; he revealed it. Ms. Haley, for all her talents, embodies the moral failure of the party in its drive to win at any cost, a drive so ruthless and insistent that it has transformed the G.O.P. into an autocratic movement.
There is a great future behind Nikki Haley. She will never be the voice of truth she briefly was in 2016, and she will never be MAGA enough to satisfy the base of her party. But no one should feel sorry for Ms. Haley. It was her choice.