'You F**ked Me!", Fla Rep Screams At McCarthy On House Floor
Credit: Composite from screenshots
January 18, 2023

Rep. Vern Buchanan was reportedly not happy with McCarthy's decision to deny him the chairmanship of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. I'm inclined to give this story a lot of credence, as the gavel instead went to U.S. Rep. Jason Smith, a Missouri Republican fifth in line in terms of seniority. That suggests some backroom deal was made, probably to help McCarthy in his quest for Speaker. If McCarthy screws over enough Republicans he won't be Speaker for long.

Buchanan, with sixteen years in the House of Representatives and one of the wealthiest members of congress, seems like a particularly bad choice to make an enemy.

Source: Florida Politics

A new report in Puck documents an angry exchange between the Longboat Key Republican after the GOP Steering Committee denied him the chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee. The gavel instead went to U.S. Rep. Jason Smith, a Missouri Republican fifth in line in terms of seniority.

“You f**ked me. I know it was you, you whipped against me,” Buchanan reportedly told the California Republican.

Sources close to Buchanan would not confirm the phrasing but acknowledged words were shared between the men.

“Vern simply expressed his disappointment to Speaker McCarthy,” said Max Goodman, Buchanan’s political adviser.

The Puck report suggested the interaction between Buchanan and McCarthy became so heated security had to step in between the men, something McCarthy’s office denied.

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