Remember when people could smoke in offices? It was like being let out of prison when you could finally sit and work at your desk without inhaling toxic fumes! So what makes Republicans so eager to go backward?
Those living in Republican counties have died in significantly larger numbers than those in blue counties. Why? Republicans decided it was a good idea to wage a war against masks, social distancing, vaccines -- really, any kind of precaution at all. Best to just pretend COVID doesn't exist. Until it kills you, of course.
As we know, they have done the same with most of the most challenging and deadly issues of our time. When the most basic gun safety measures such as universal background checks could save the lives of their own tribe disproportionately (nine of the ten states with the most gun violence are Republican), they not only refused, but doubled down on the "from my cold dead hands" idiocy. Just as climate change has flooded Florida, led vicious hurricanes to slam Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, tornadoes and/or heat waves to plague Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc, Republicans controlling those states have stuck their heads in the sand and continued to proclaim their love for fossil fuels.
Most recently? Republicans have ended the smoking ban--yes, SMOKING--in Houses offices since they took over. To understand how out of the mainstream they are you should know it was Mitch McConnnell--from the tobacco state of Kentucky!--who led the effort to raise the age for tobacco products to 21. The science is clear, second-hand smoke kills. But now not only are these idiots choosing to poison themselves to "own the libs" or out of some misplaced sense of manhood circa 1956, but their interns, staffers, journalists, security, clerical workers and others will be exposed to long-term disease.
Because the Republican House Caucus is filled with literally the stupidest, most childish people alive.