Republicans have been putting educators, doctors and staff at children's hospitals and other Americans in danger by repeating what we might call a rural myth --that kids are choosing to identify as cats, so schools are indulging them by putting kitty litter in classrooms to be used as bathrooms.
Except it's a debunked and nefarious lie to anger the GOP base (gotta keep them angry so they keep voting and donating the rent money!) and cause some of the more loony members of their coalition--which is to say, most of them--to issue threats or worse based upon this falsehood.
It's bad enough when some no-name state rep repeats this idiocy. But now we have Hall of Fame football coach and longtime wingnut Tony Dungy sharing this garbage on Twitter.
Dungy's gonna get people killed with this crap. He eventually apologized (probably after his PR rep called him and asked him if he was insane) and erased the tweet, but the Internet is forever and it's out there for lunatics to share.
The really sad thing? Many classrooms do actually have pails as toilets--they are there to be used if a child has to go to the bathroom while in lockdown because some madman with an assault rifle might be hunting them. That's America 2023. Thanks, GOP.
In any case, watch the video from the Blue Amp Channel up above on Dungy, the kitty litter lies and the danger posed when conspiracies like these are shared by people with big microphones.