Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. is the last person who should weigh in on this young man's brutal murder by police officers.
January 30, 2023

Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., a staunch supporter of Trump's law-and-order platform, faced repeated allegations that inmates were mistreated in his jails. He resigned in 2017. His tweets were so toxic that he was stripped of his blue check. He also served on the board of a border wall fundraising group linked to federal fraud charges for four people, including Steve Bannon. Clarke was never charged.

If Clarke, a Black man, had acted in Django Unchained, we know which character he would have played. I don't recall a single incident of this sort that Clarke hasn't blamed on the Black victim.

So, Newsmax had him on their show -- because of course. In the case of Tyre Nichols' death at the hands of Black police officers, Clarke called it "Black on Black crime." No, it's not. Tyre Nichols wasn't breaking the law.

"Yeah, first of all, I don't have all the facts. Nobody does at this point in time. But I'm glad you brought up that these five law enforcement officers -- former law enforcement officers -- still maintain their presumption of innocence," Clarke said, shocking no one ever, according to Media Matters. "They have not had their due process. They have not had their day in court. No matter how heinous the situation is, I don't care even if it's a perpetrator that commits a heinous crime, they're still entitled to due process in the United States of America. So, you know, we'll have to wait and see on that."

"However, this inflammatory rhetoric that's being thrown around by that clown that you just showed the footage of, he's just fanning the flames," he added. "That is not necessary. If we want to label this thing, it's Black-on-Black crime. How about that one? Five Black officers, a Black perpetrator. It's the kind of Black on Black violence that we see perpetrated every single day in this country in Black communities across the country. "

Again, that is not Black-on-Black crime, you chud. And since all the officers involved were Black, too, it brings us back to the point we've been trying to make for years. The police force is over-militarized, and their officers need to be thoroughly vetted. That young man should still be alive. Also, fuck David Clarke.

If you can watch the incident without feeling sick to your stomach, then there's something wrong with you.

Tyre Nichols's mother and stepfather have accepted an invitation to attend President Joe Biden's State of the Union address in February. David Clarke was not invited.

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