January 12, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has been losing his mind over the investigations into his criminal behavior. In late November, Lumpy labeled Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is investigating him on two different fronts, as a "weaponized monster."

And this morning, Trump called Smith a "Trump Hating THUG." And for some unexplainable reason, Trump placed a question mark after Smith's name as if it weren't his real name. Who knows.

"Page 1. The Special "Prosecutor" assigned to the "get Trump case," Jack Smith(?), is a Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater, whose friends & other family members are even worse, and as a prosecutor in Europe, according to Ric Grenell, put a high government official in prison because he was a Trump positive person," he wrote. "Smith is known as "an unfair Savage," & is best friends with the craziest Trump haters, including Lisa Monaco who runs "Injustice." The Boxes Scam is a HOAX."

"Page 2. For seven years, from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, the Democrat (SIC) Party has WEAPONIZED the "Legal" System, using City, State, and Federal Law Enforcement against me and the Republican Party as though they were a Private Protection Agency," he continued. "The greatest Witch Hunt in American History must end now. I beat the Fake Impeachments, the disgraceful Mueller Persecution, and much else that the Fake News doesn't want to write or talk about, but this charade MUST STOP NOW!!!"

"Page 3. Fire a man who may very well turn out to be a criminal, Jack Smith. His conflicts, unfairness, and mental state of derangement make him totally unfit for the job of "getting Trump." Go after Biden and the Biden Crime Family instead," he added. "Like Bill Barr, the U.S. Attorneys in Delaware and Illinois are weak, ineffective, and afraid to do what must be done. The Election was RIGGED, and we are now losing our Country. We can't let that happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Well now! He just called Smith, who has a very impressive resumé a "criminal," and he called Barr, who he hired, "weak." He wants the Department of Justice to go after Biden instead. Only one has presidential immunity, and it's not Bloaty McBatshit. And only one failed to return the documents as requested, and it's not Biden. That was Trump.

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