December 22, 2022

Tucker Carlson did his fans at the Kremlin another solid by smearing, sneering at and lying about President Vlodomyr Zelensky’s visit to the U.S.

“As far as we know, no one’s ever addressed the United States Congress in a sweatshirt before, but they love him much more than they love you,” Carlson said.

In fact, Tucker Carlson has a seething hatred for the U.S.. Russia? Not so much. So it was predictable that Carlson would go after Zelensky and, coincidentally, assure himself more friendly coverage on Kremlin TV.

“The president of Ukraine arrived at the White House dressed like the manager of a strip club and started to demand money. Amazingly, no one threw him out. Instead, they did whatever he wanted,” Carlson sneered.

Yet Carlson couldn’t get through his hate-mongering schtick without telling a passel of pro-Putin lies. Mediaite explains:

Carlson then noted Zelensky called for Putin’s ouster as a precondition for peace talks. However, the host did not observe that Zelensky appears to have dropped that requirement.

He then went on to suggest Zelensky is calling on the U.S. to initiate regime change in Russia, though Carlson did not cite any examples of this.

“Zelensky is demanding regime change in Russia,” he continued.

Carlson then falsely claimed that sending aid to Ukraine “goes toward that end.” Rather, the aid is being used to help Ukrainians defend themselves.

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