WATCH: Zelenskyy Sends A Message: Ukraine Will Win
March 20, 2022

Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy has a message for the world: Ukraine will win, Ukraine will be great. In a nearly-two minute ad, the president acknowledges the pain and destruction Russia has wrought on Ukraine and her people in graphic visual detail.

Beginning with a focus on the word "was," Zelenskyy says it is "a word Ukrainians cannot use without bursting into tears."

"This was my home," as bombs level an apartment building.

"This was my friend."

"This was my car."

"This was my dog."

"This was my father..."

And so on, painting a wrenchingly dark landscape of death and loss, before delivering his message of hope.

"We will win."

He then paints a vision of a rebuilt future and a strong Ukraine. My description doesn't do justice. Just watch it below:

If well-produced digital ads could win wars, this one definitely would do it.

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