Russia Executes Company Commander After His Men Desert
Credit: The Insider
December 5, 2022

Viktor Sevalnev was recruited by the Wagner group and made commander of his company after the previous commander died in combat. According to the Russian site, The Insider, he was allegedly executed after his men deserted from the front.

Source: The Insider

Convicted Viktor Sevalnev, who commanded the 7th motorized rifle company of the so-called people's militia of the "LPR", called his wife Lilia on November 20 and said that they were going to take him away from the hospital, where he was recovering from a wound at the front, and shoot him because the soldiers of his company deserted. The recording of this conversation between Sevalnev and his wife and other materials were provided to The Insider by Vladimir Osechkin, head of

“Today it’s me, tomorrow it’s different, that’s all. We have them lethal material. The Ministry of Defense shoots people. They know we're 200 and they don't give a fuck. I would like to go back to where I was, but they won't let me. If only I knew that this is such a war. My name is Viktor Anatolyevich Sevalnev, born on September 27, 1979. Don't send people here, that's enough. They want to kill everyone,” this is the last message that Sevalnev transmitted through his wife.

Already on December 1, a representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense told Lilia that her husband died in the DPR on November 25 from shrapnel wounds and a powerful blow to the head. He promised that soon a zinc coffin with a body and documents would be sent to her in Moscow. And he added: "Condolences, I'm sorry."

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