March 16, 2023

Yevgeny Prigozhin's private paramilitary operation was fueled by Russian convicts given freedom in exchange for going to fight in Ukraine. With most of them now dead (used as little more than cannon fodder on the frontlines) and Putin recently stopping the practice, Prigozhin has turned to other methods of recruitment. This idea wasn't ultimately successful, however, as Pornhub pulled their ad.

Pornhub has removed Wagner Group advertisements that sought to encourage people to join its Russian mercenaries fighting in Ukraine.

A spokesperson for Pornhub told Newsweek that the ads have been removed and said that the website does not allow any politically related advertisements.

Source: New York Post

Russia’s Wagner mercenary group is so hard-pressed to replenish its ranks depleted by months of bloody battles in Ukraine that it has turned to Pornhub to recruit soldiers.

The private army, founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has placed a highly suggestive ad on the popular porn site, urging male viewers to stop pleasuring themselves and instead apply for a job at Wagner.

In the commercial, a blonde woman wearing red lipstick is seen twirling an oversized lollipop in her mouth, while a husky female voice purrs in the background: “we are the f–king coolest private army in the world.”

“We are recruiting fighters from all regions of Russia.

“Don’t whack off, go work for PMC Wagner.”

Then a phone number appears on the screen, which is said to be associated with Wagner Group recruiters.

According to Ukrainskaya Pravda, the ad was shared on Telegram channels by people living in the Kemerovo and Volgograd regions of Russia.

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