December 16, 2022

Former boxer Mike Tyson and Fox News host Tucker Carlson discussed the nature of God and decided that time is not real.

During an interview on Fox Nation that was aired on Thursday, Carlson asked Tyson to react to people who do not believe in God.

Tyson argued that most atheists "are miserable."

"They are miserable," Carlson agreed.

"You talk about God as some mean male," Tyson said. "What? Is he a little man upstairs controlling all 5 billion of us? That's him? He sees all of us. He sees the ants. I'm saying he — God, he sees the ants, the bugs, he sees microscopic stuff that we can't see that's killing us, the pollution. He sees it all."

Tyson added: "I don't even like to say 'he.' Who am I to think I know what God truly is because I read about him in Koran or the Bible or something? I have to know, is he a male or a female? That could be chauvinistic. The world is chauvinistic. A man has to run the world! That's just what has been basically since the beginning of time."

"A man has to run the world," he said. "That's the way that it's always been. I'm sure you know that, right?"

"I did know that," Carlson replied. "So to you, it's just obvious there's God?"

"I don't know if his name is really God, Allah," Tyson remarked. "Who is the first guy that started my bloodline? How did that happen? Was it a dinosaur? Was it one of those aliens that they say were around a couple of million years ago? Who was it?"

"Just think about the time," he continued. "Time doesn't exist. It's only internally. We created time. You know, so when we say time, the father — the heavenly father, he didn't make time. There's no time. There's only eternity."

"What is time?" Tyson said. "Time is something we created. God, the universe didn't create time. It created eternity."

"Which has no relationship to time," Carlson offered. "There's no such thing as time."

"If we really do some in-depth investigations about history, we have to rewrite it," Tyson asserted. "We don't know nothing. We have to rewrite history. The history that we have is just unbelievable and doesn't exist."

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