October 13, 2021

The disgraced former general and Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn claimed there’s a deep state cabal still running by President Obama in Washington DC on Tucker Carson’s Fox Nation program.

“We have two separate governments," said Flynn. "We have the one that actually gets elected and goes into office and then you have a government inside of Washington, DC that operates under no rules, no authorities other than their own who’s in charge their organization."

Carlson jumped in. “Sounds like that government was still controlled by Barack Obama."

Liars gotta lie.

"Yeah, and I would say that that's to a degree is what we’re operating with today,” Flynn agreed.

This is QAnon 101. Anyone taking this seriously is certainly delusional or doing it for profit. I believe Flynn is both.

Flynn was fired by Trump for supposedly lying to Pence, then admitted to the FBI of selling out his country, then plead guilty to two felonies. His career was eventually saved because he was pardoned by Traitor Trump.

Since he admitted to his skullduggery, Flynn has been gobbled up by QAnon conspiracy theorists while embracing them 100 per cent.

Carlson continues to promote every lie and whacked conspiracy that the fever swamps throw out there.

There is no right-wing criminal or conspiracy too extreme for Fox News. None. Not even the absurd notion that former President Obama is still pulling the strings of the federal government.

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