December 26, 2022

KremlinTV delighted in playing clips of these treasonous swine. Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert in particular received praise, while Josh Hawley and especially Tucker Carlson have made appearances on Russian state television numerous times before.

Source: Raw Story

Russian state-funded media played clips of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Fox News host Tucker Carlson because the conservative personalities oppose additional U.S. aid for Ukraine.
A Russian correspondent noted that 86 Republicans refused to attend Zelenskyy's speech.

The correspondent referred to Boebert and Gaetz as "brave" for attending the speech despite objections to military aid.

"Gaetz and Boebert didn't chap the palms of their hands [clapping]," the reporter observed. "They demonstrably remained seated and didn't jump up."

Yes, good little foot soldiers for Mother Russia. Ronald Reagan would spit on both of them. Video clipped and translated by Julia Davis of Russian Media Monitor.

Gaetz must be feeling some heat for his bullshit, as he tweeted this out this morning. You're not fooling anyone, Matt Gaetz.

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