November 9, 2022

NewsNation’s Markie Martin asked Trump how much influence he’ll have over the 2022 election results.

Trump – who is not a candidate for anything other than Biggest Traitor In History – gave an answer that reminds us what a repugnant person he is even when he’s not plotting a coup or stealing classified information.

TRUMP: Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit, and if they lose, I should not be blamed at all. OK? But it'll probably be just the opposite. When they win - I think they're going to do very well - I'll probably be given very little credit, even though in many cases, I told people to run. And they ran and they turned out to be very good candidates. You know, they've turned out to be very good candidates But, usually what would happen is when they do well, I won't be given any credit. And if they do badly, they will blame everything on me. So I'm prepared for anything, but we'll defend ourselves.

Actually, he endorsed not just awful candidates but awful people. I hope every single one of them loses. And then we’ll have to call a wah-mbulance.

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