Some Republicans Don't Want Trump To Stump For Herschel
Credit: Getty Images
October 24, 2022

With just weeks until Election Day and after announcing that he would come, it appears former President Donald Trump will not be paying a visit to the Peach State to support his endorsed Senate candidate, Herschel Walker.

According to The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Trump was planning a big, beautiful rally the day after Walker’s sole Oct. 14 debate with Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock, but plans soon fell apart.

An unnamed GOP operative in Georgia told The Washington Post, “Trump coming down to Georgia is the worst thing that can happen for Republican candidates down here… It immediately turns the focus from inflation and immigration to Donald Trump, and Donald Trump lost the last election here. … We have a pretty tight window to get Hershel across the finish line on election night, and Trump would undermine that.”

Republished with permission from Daily Kos.

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