October 14, 2022

Yulia Prokhorova is known for taunting Ukrainians via social media and in person on the street. Her behavior has become a source of contention among German authorities who would like to rid themselves of her, as she lives in Germany without a residency permit.

Her apartment was raided in the early hours this morning.

And while a lot of what she does is juvenile, and would be protected under the First Amendment here, the Germans take a much dimmer view of people who advocate for unprovoked war and genocide, and for obvious historical reasons. She's screwed, in other words.

Source: Idowa (Germany)

Investigators from the State Protection Commissariat of the Landshut Criminal Police Inspectorate and the Landshut Public Prosecutor's Office searched the apartment of a 30-year-old Russian woman in an apartment building in Landshut in the early hours of Friday, the police said.

The 30-year-old is suspected of having advocated and glorified the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine in several cases via social networks since May 2022 with corresponding posts on various Internet platforms.

Among other things, a self-made video was shared on social media, in which Yulia P. in Salzburg is said to have molested and mocked two women from Ukraine. She is also said to have provoked participants in a pro-Ukraine demonstration. And she spread pro-Russian propaganda via Instagram and Tiktok. Her related accounts have now been shut down.

According to Yulia P., she is now concentrating on the messenger service Telegram, which is very popular in Russia, among other places. Among other things, she called on people to waste energy via this channel. Because these expenses would automatically benefit Russia. In addition, she is said to have insulted a user via her publicly accessible messenger account at the beginning of August 2022.

The suspect is currently in Germany without a valid residence permit – but deportations to Russia are currently suspended.

And her handiwork from a few months ago.

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