October 10, 2022

Fox News blamed New York Governor Kathy Hochul for two teens being involved in gunplay around Rep. Lee Zeldin's home in Suffolk County.

The New York Times reported that "late Sunday that three teenagers were walking on Saint George Drive West when someone in a dark-colored vehicle fired multiple gunshots and hit two of the teenagers. The police said the wounded boys tried to hide in the yard of a residence on the street and that the third teen fled the scene on foot."

Cue Fox News host Martha MacCallum and Sean Duffy to hyperventilate.

"No one is safe," Duffy lamented. "There's nothing more important to a parent than the protection of their children."

How were Zeldin's children threatened?

"When your kids can't go out and they can't get home doing their homework without threats of violence like this..." he whined.

Duffy blasted Democratic positions on climate change and a woman's right to choose, as if those are meaningless issues to be thrown in the garbage and instead ranted his list of approved MAGA talking points.

Duffy railed against Democratic polities, as if the COVID pandemic never hit the world.

"But a parent can keep their kids safe or they can't feed their kids or they can't fill their car -- is Democrats can't focus on this because the are the cause of this problem," he said.

Listening to Duffy, you'd think all of New York is the new Fallujah.

Lying is contagious on Fox News.

In NYC, crime is actually on the decline.

For the month of May 2022, the number of overall shooting incidents again declined in New York City compared with May 2021, continuing the downward trend in gun violence in the second quarter of the calendar year. Citywide shooting incidents decreased by 31.4% (118 v. 172), marked by declines in every patrol borough except Staten Island, where the tally remained even at three in May 2022 compared with May 2021. The number of overall hate crimes also declined for the month, by 10%, (63 v. 73) compared to the same period last year.

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