January 29, 2015

The biggest outrage to the people at GOP-TV is the language used by the Obama Administration. Because the Taliban is considered an "armed insurgency" and not a terrorist group, like ISIL, Martha MacCallum is just appalled. She begins the segment with a sound bite from Assistant White House Press Secretary Eric Schultz, who refuses to call the Taliban a terrorist group. Since they have long held power in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, the White House does not label them as Fox News wishes. They call them terrorists, because they have done some pretty nasty stuff. Of course, under Bush, the U.S. slaughtered thousands of innocents, but that's different.

MacCallum plays footage from the aftermath of a Taliban-sponsored massacre that happened "right before Christmas" in a Pakistani school for children of government officials. Over 150 children were murdered in a horrible fashion. To validate Fox News' assertion that the Obama Administration simply doesn't take terrorism seriously, they interview guests who share their same hate-filled scrutiny of the 44th President. Ex-Clinton advisor Doug Schoen and vehement Obama hater, Monica Crowley, comment on what MacCallum calls the Obama Administration's

"tortured response in trying to carefully talk about radical Islamic terrorism."

Doug Schoen is confused, ashamed and embarrassed by the response, like any good Fox News Democrat would be. MacCallum asks Monica Crowley about the Bowe Bergdahl controversy. Of course, this is just a tragedy waiting to happen, having released five terrorists in exchange for the American soldier. Did they mention that Bergdahl was a deserter?

Crowley also thinks that President Obama is too flippant and unfocused on "the war on terror." She claims figuratively and literally, we are not fighting with any seriousness. The Obama Administration has no idea how to deal with these Islamist extremists that, according to the three Fox News pundits, the president treats with kid gloves.

Lastly, Martha fearmongers about the imminent attack on American soil. No one dare mention the elephant in the room, September 11, 2001, when our fearless leader rose to the challenges of a series of terrorist acts by invading the wrong country. Also omitted throughout this ridiculous segment was this inconvenient photo, of Saint Ronnie Reagan who had his Taliban buddies over for tea at the White House while funding their efforts to rid Afghanistan of the Soviets. This is never brought up on the network.


Criticizing a Democratic President is patriotic while holding a Republican to the same standards is just plain wrong.

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