October 20, 2022

Will Liz Truss still be British Prime Minister by the end of today? That remains to be seen. If she does resign she'll have lasted a mere 44 days.
She resigned.

Source: The Spectator

Yet another moment of high drama in the Commons. Wendy Morton has now left the post of chief whip after the government folded on the opposition day fracking vote being treated as a ‘confidence issue’. MPs were warned they would lose the Tory whip if they didn’t vote with the government. One MP who witnessed Morton walking past with the Prime Minister’s PPS, tells me: ‘She’s as mad as thunder and is saying ‘unbelievable’.’ Craig Whittaker has just come out of the lobby and said ‘I am fucking furious and I don’t give a fuck anymore.’

Chris Bryant has just alleged that he witnessed ‘bullying’ of MPs in the voting lobbies. With minutes to go before the vote, the minister winding up the debate told the chamber that ‘quite clearly this is not a confidence vote’. Graham Stuart was immediately accosted by one of his own colleagues, Ruth Edwards, who insisted that she and others had been told they would lose the whip if they abstained or voted against the government. Stuart replied, cryptically, that this was a matter for party managers.

A few tweets that captures the mood.

ITV led their news program with it.

In Germany, they don't bleep out rude words.

And this extraordinary exchange with a Tory MP who's been in the House of Commons for 17 years and is now calling them out for destroying the Conservative Party, calling it "a shambles and a disgrace."

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