September 27, 2022

The question posed in the TikTok above by supertankskiii seems to be answered instead of either/or but by both. You have a singularly inept UK government doing everything it can in the past twelve years to help their benefactors, while also pushing for singularly stupid ideas which hurt the working class.

Source: Market Watch

Hedge funds in the City of London made huge profits by betting against the U.K. pound ahead of the country’s mini fiscal budget last week, according to a report by The Sunday Times.

The newspaper cited a source who was at a dinner with hedge fund managers last week, who said they were all allegedly shorting the pound.

One of the hedge funds mentioned was Crispin Odey’s London-based Odey Asset Management, whose main fund is reportedly up by 145% this year from shorting U.K. government bonds, according to Reuters sources. A source from Odey declined to comment to MarketWatch.

Bloomberg reported on Monday that macro hedge fund EDL Capital’s manager Edouard de Langlade made profits from betting against sterling and U.K. stocks on the expectation that interest rates will be hiked up once more.
Concerns have emerged, however, that leaks of the mini-budget allowed funds to short the pound.

A member of the government’s opposition party, Labour Treasury Secretary Tulip Siddiq, has called for the Financial Conduct Authority to carry out a probe into whether information of fiscal policy was leaked before Thursday’s announcement, according to the Evening Standard.

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