Just Another AR-15 Day In America
Credit: Screengrab
September 19, 2022

Two young adults and one minor were arrested in possession of an AR15 pistol and ammunition after an off-duty deputy received a tip of an imminent threat to Everman High School's Homecoming game.

Fox 4 reports that an off-duty Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office deputy received a tip which led to the arrest and which may have saved countless lives.

Three people from inside the vehicle were taken into custody, and police said they recovered an AR-15 pistol and a 60-round magazine.

Two suspects, an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old, were arrested and charged with unlawful carrying of a firearm in prohibited places. The third passenger, a 10-year-old, was later released to their parents.

What kind of lunatics take a child on a massacre? Ones who want that kid murdered, too.

3000 people attended the game and if these creeps did gain entry into the stadium, just imagine the scores of innocent lives lost and seriously injured.

This is the country Republicans want to live in because they refuse to take any action against weapons of mass murder.

Here's the link to the local report.

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