September 19, 2022

Yesterday, Trump embraced full-on fascism at his Youngstown, Ohio rally -- and I gotta tell you, I felt despair at just how effective he is at turning Americans against each other. I even wondered if it was finally time to leave.

But then I saw this.

See, yesterday was also the 235th anniversary of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution (not that it means anything to Trump), and to mark the occasion, Attorney General Merrick, grandson of immigrants, swore in 200 new citizens at Ellis Island.

After he did, he welcomed the new citizens to our republic. Then he talked about how the rule of law, and how important it is in times of polarization.

“The rule of law means that the law treats each of us alike,” he said.

“There is not one rule for friends, another for foes; one rule for the powerful, another for the powerless; one rule for the rich, another for the poor; or different rules, depending upon one’s race or ethnicity or country of origin.”

(Did you get that, Donald?)

The Ellis Island event kicked off a week of special naturalization ceremonies around the country to celebrate the connection between the Constitution and citizenship.

More than a few times, Garland's speech brought a tear to my eye.

I suggest you watch the whole thing. It made me feel just a little more hopeful about America.

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