Many Republican politicians who voted against all of President Biden's much needed spending have been trying to take credit for it when those bills positively affects their district or their state.
Guess who becomes the biggest hypocrite of all? You guessed it. Sen. Ted Cruz
Back on September 12, 2022, Ted Cruz went on Newsmax bragging and taking credit for President Biden's Omnibus spending bill that was used to enable the Ports to Plains I-27 highway expansion.
"The long short of it is we did the hard work bringing together Democrats and Republicans and we now have designated I-27, Ports to Plains to run from Laredo, all the way north to Lubbock, all way up to Canada," Cruz stated.
"That is going to bring jobs; a $55 billion project. You're talking hundreds of thousands of jobs. You're talking of tens of billions dollars of additional GDP in the state of Texas and it's a great bipartisan victory for the great state of Texas," he said with no sense of irony.
Enter Dark Brandon to set the record straight.
F**king Cruz voted against the bill.