August 8, 2023

You know something is working when Trump is whining about it.

Source: The Independent

Despite Donald Trump’s penchant for attacking his political rivals on social media, the former president has taken issue with a tweet where Joe Biden is seen sipping coffee from a “Dark Brandon” themed mug.

In a court document filed in Washington DC on Monday, Mr Trump’s attorneys complained that Mr Biden is capitalising on the former president’s legal troubles with the meme post.

“President Biden has likewise capitalized on the indictment, posting a thinly veiled reference to his administration’s prosecution of President Trump just hours before arraignment,” his attorneys wrote in the filing.

The court document then included a photo of the offending image, showing Mr Biden’s video post on his personal account on X – formerly known as Twitter.

In the video, the president is seen drinking a cup of coffee from a mug featuring an image of Mr Biden with lasers coming out of his eyes – also known as “Dark Brandon”.

In the clip, captioned “A cup of Joe never tasted better,” Mr Biden says: “I like my coffee dark.”

Their complaint.

And Dark Brandon' Biden's tweet. Now viewed over 20mil times on Twitter, or whatever it's called.

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