August 31, 2022

Texas Representative and former presidential physician Ronny Jackson claimed the FBI may have planted evidence against Trump during their Mar-A-Lago search.
Speaking on Fox News, Rep.Jackson said he doesn't trust the FBI or DOJ any longer.

"Who knows what they got out of there I don't trust these people at all. They came in, they spent nine hours in there," he said.

"They walked in with backpacks, they kicked out the president’s lawyers, the Secret Service agents. Who knows, in my opinion, I’m just going to say --- if they told me they found something I wouldn’t know that they actually found it there or said they found it there or if they just said they found it there. I don’t trust this organization anymore," Rep. Jackson said.

It's bad enough attacking the FBI for executing a lawful search warrant. But to claim they would plant evidence against Trump is not only dangerous in these times, but insane.

Talking about throwing more fuel on the fire. That's what Jackson is doing and he knows it. Jackson has quickly risen to the top of the heap of extreme right-wing members of Congress that ditched the US Constitution in favor of a Christian/fascist traitor.

Traitor Trump has been relentlessly attacking the FBI and the DOJ since the FBI searched his Florida residence. That has led to one Trump supporter attacking an FBI location in Cincinnati, Ohio already.

Trump has intimated there would be violence if they don't stop harassing him, which then turned into Lindsey Graham, a sitting US Senator saying in no uncertain terms said this on national television Sunday morning.

"If there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling the classified information after the Clinton debacle, which you presided over and did a hell of a good job, there will be riots in the streets," Graham told Gowdy.

It wasn't too long ago when Sen. Graham spoke at the Washington Press Club Foundation Dinner and said this:

"My party has gone batshit crazy," Graham said.

Has America ever seen one political party, the Republican Party become so radicalized so quickly?

Even members of Congress that the Beltway media lavished praise upon (Graham) as honest operators are now in league with the MAGA cultists, and they all seem to want to see blood flow in the streets.

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